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Trefflinger, Peter

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1Stricker, Astrid R. ; Trefflinger, Peter ; Aro, Nina ; Penttilä, Merja ; Mach, Robert L. Role of Ace2 (Activator of Cellulases 2) within the xyn2 transcriptosome of Hypocrea jecorinaArtikel Article Apr-2008
2Mach, Robert L. ; Stricker, Astrid R. ; Rauscher, Roman ; Würleitner, Elisabeth ; Trefflinger, Peter Differential regulation of xylanase gene expression in Hypocrea jecorina is due to the interplay of the general activator Xyr1 and the fine tuning transcription factors Ace1 and Ace2Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007
3Stricker, Astrid R. ; Trefflinger, Peter ; Aro, Nina ; Penttila, Merja E. ; Mach, Robert L. Involvement of Ace2(Activator of Cellulases 2) in the architecture of the yxn2 transcriptosome of Hypocrea jecorinaKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007