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Rauscher, Roman

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Mach, Robert L. ; Stricker, Astrid R. ; Rauscher, Roman ; Würleitner, Elisabeth ; Trefflinger, Peter Differential regulation of xylanase gene expression in Hypocrea jecorina is due to the interplay of the general activator Xyr1 and the fine tuning transcription factors Ace1 and Ace2Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007
2Rauscher, Roman ; Würleitner, Elisabeth ; Wacenovsky, C ; Aro, Nina ; Stricker, Astrid R. ; Zeilinger, Susanne ; Kubicek, Christian Peter ; Penttilä, Merja E. ; Mach, Robert L. Transciptional Regulation of xyn1, Encoding Xylanase I, in Hypocrea jecorinaArtikel Article2006
3Wacenovsky, C ; Rauscher, Roman ; Kubicek, Christian Peter ; Mach, Robert L. Hypocrea jecorina (Trichoderma reesei) xyn1 expression is regulated by a concerted action of three different DNA binding proteins .Präsentation Presentation2000
4Mach, Robert L. ; Seiboth, Bernhard ; Rauscher, Roman ; Stangl, H ; Gruber, Heinrich ; Kubicek, Christian Peter A CCAAT-box mediates sophorose-induction of cbh2 (cellobiohydrolase II-encoding ) gene expression in the filamentuos fungus Trichoderma reesei .Präsentation Presentation1996