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Becker, S.

Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

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1Becker, S. ; Scheuermann, J. ; Weih, R. ; Rößner, K. ; Kistner, C. ; Koeth, J. ; Hillbrand, J. ; Schwarz, B. ; Kamp, M. Picosecond pulses from a monolithic GaSb-based passive mode-locked laserArtikel Article 2020
2Döscher, H. ; Lilienkamp, G. ; Iskra, P. ; Daum, W ; Helsch, G. ; Becker, S. ; Wrobel, R. ; Weiss, H. ; Suchorski, Yuri High-quality ZrO₂/Si(001) thin films by a sol-gel process: Preparation and characterizationArtikel Article2010
3Suchorski, Yuri ; Wrobel, R. ; Becker, S. ; Opalinska, Agnieszka ; Narkiewicz, Urszula ; Podsiadly, Marcin ; Weiss, H. Surface chemistry of zirconia nanopowders doped with Pr₂O₃: an XPS studyPräsentation Presentation2008
4Wrobel, R. ; Suchorski, Yuri ; Becker, S. ; Weiss, H. Cerium Oxide Nanolayers on Pt(111) and Cu(111) Surfaces: Substrate Mediated Redox PropertiesPräsentation Presentation2008
5Suchorski, Yuri ; Wrobel, R. ; Becker, S. ; Opalinska, Agnieszka ; Narkiewicz, Urszula ; Podsiadly, Marcin ; Weiss, H. Surface Chemistry of Zirconia Nanopowders Doped with Pr₂O₃: An XPS StudyArtikel Article2008
6Suchorski, Yuri ; Wrobel, R. ; Becker, S. ; Weiss, H. CO Oxidation on a CeOₓ/Pt(111) Inverse Model Catalyst Surface: Catalytic Promotion and Tuning of Kinetic Phase DiagramsArtikel Article2008
7Wrobel, R. ; Suchorski, Yuri ; Becker, S. ; Weiss, H. Cerium Oxide Layers on the Cu(111) Surface: Substrate-Mediated Redox PropertiesArtikel Article2008
8Suchorski, Yuri ; Wrobel, R. ; Becker, S. ; Weiss, H. Ceria promoted CO oxidation on Pt(111): kinetic phase diagramsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007
9Wrobel, R. ; Suchorski, Yuri ; Becker, S. ; Weiss, H. Oxidation of Ce overlayers on Cu(111): an XPS, LEED, AES and STM studyKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007
10Wrobel, R. ; Suchorski, Yuri ; Becker, S. ; Strzelczyk, B. ; Weiss, H. CO oxidation on a CeOx/Pt(111) inverse supported satalyst: promotional effects and reversible redox behaviourKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007
11Suchorski, Yuri ; Munder, B. ; Becker, S. ; Rihko-Struckmann, L. ; Sundmacher, K. ; Weiss, H. Variation of the vanadium oxidation state within a VPO catalyst layer in a membrane reactor: XPS mapping and modellingArtikel Article2007
12Suchorski, Yuri ; Wrobel, R. ; Becker, S. ; Strzelczyk, B. ; Drachsel, Wolfgang ; Weiss, H. Ceria Nanoformations in CO Oxidation on Pt(111): Promotional Effects and reversible Redox behaviourArtikel Article 2007