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Stevanic, Jasna S.

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Fackler, Karin ; Stevanic, Jasna S. ; Ters, Thomas ; Hinterstoisser, Barbara ; Schwanninger, Manfred ; Salmén, Lennart FT-IR imaging microscopy to localise and characterise simultaneous and selective white-rot decay within spruce wood cellsArtikel Article2011
2Fackler, Karin ; Stevanic, Jasna S. ; Ters, Thomas ; Hinterstoisser, Barbara ; Schwanninger, Manfred ; Salmén, Lennart Localisation and characterisation of incipient brown-rot decay within spruce wood cell walls using FT-IR imaging microscopyArtikel Article2010
3Fackler, Karin ; Stevanic, Jasna S. ; Schwanninger, Manfred ; Salmén, Lennart Localisation and characterisation of incipient and early wood degradation processes with FT-IR imaging microscopy in combination with multivariate image analysisKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010
4Fackler, Karin ; Stevanic, Jasna S. ; Salmén, Lennart Multivariate FTIR image analysis of biodegraded spruce wood tracheidsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2010