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Buxbaum, Joel

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Ofner, Johannes ; Balzer, Natalja ; Buxbaum, Joel ; Grothe, Hinrich ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Phil ; Platt, Ulrich ; Zetzsch, Cornelius Halogenation processes of secondary organic aerosol and implications on halogen release mechanismsArtikel Article2012
2Ofner, Johannes ; Balzer, Natalja ; Buxbaum, Joel ; Grothe, Hinrich ; Krüger, Heinz-Ulrich ; Platt, Ulrich ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Phil ; Zetzsch, Cornelius Aerosol-halogen interaction: Change of overall SOA properties and implications on SOA formation and processingPräsentation Presentation2011
3Ofner, Johannes ; Balzer, Natalja ; Buxbaum, Joel ; Grothe, Hinrich ; Krüger, Heinz-Ulrich ; Platt, Ulrich ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Phil ; Zetzsch, Cornelius Aerosol-halogen interaction: Change of physico-chemical properties of SOA by naturally released halogen speciesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2011
4Ofner, Johannes ; Balzer, Natalja ; Buxbaum, Joel ; Grothe, Hinrich ; Krüger, Heinz-Ulrich ; Platt, Ulrich ; Schmitt-Kopplin, Phil ; Zetzsch, Cornelius Aerosol-halogen interaction: Halogenation processes of secondary organic aerosolsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2011