Full name Familienname, Vorname
Kusai, Akihiko

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Pittenauer, Ernst ; Belgacem, Omar ; Kusai, Akihiko ; Rehulka, Pavel ; Allmaier, Günter Recent instrumental advances in the structural analysis of glycerolipids (TAGs and GLPs) by 20 keV high energy CID - from MALDI-LinTOF/Curved Field RTOF-MS to MALDI-Spiral TOF/Offset Parabolic RTOF-MSKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
2Allmaier, Günter ; Pittenauer, Ernst ; Rehulka, Pavel ; Kusai, Akihiko On the way to the holy grail of CID (20keV and C12 precursor ion): from MALDI-LinTOF/CF-RTOF- to MALDI-SpiralTOF/offset parabolic-RTOF-MSKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012
3Allmaier, Günter ; Pittenauer, Ernst ; Rehulka, Pavel ; Kusai, Akihiko From MALDI-Lin TOF/curved field-RTOF-MS to MALDI-Spiral TOF/offset parabolic-RTOF-MSPräsentation Presentation2012
4Allmaier, Günter ; Kusai, Akihiko ; Pittenauer, Ernst Reaching the holy grail of CID - C12 precursor ion selection and 20 keV ELab: from MALDI-Linear TOF/RTOF- to MALDI-Siral TOF/RTOF-MSPräsentation Presentation2012