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Pomraning, Kyle R.

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1Yang, Dongqing ; Pomraning, Kyle R. ; Kopchinskiy, Alexey ; Karimi Aghcheh, Razieh ; Atanasova, Lea ; Chenthamara-Kariyankode, Komal ; Baker, Scott E. ; Zhang, Ruifu ; Shen, Qirong ; Freitag, Michael ; Kubicek, Christian Peter ; Druzhinina, Irina Genome Sequence and Annotation of Trichoderma parareesei, the Ancestor of the Cellulase Producer Trichoderma reeseiArtikel Article 2015
2Atanasova, Lea ; Chenthamara-Kariyankode, Komal ; Kopchinskiy, Alexey ; Baker, Scott E. ; Grigoriev, Igor ; Pomraning, Kyle R. ; Freitag, Michael ; Kubicek, Christian Peter ; Druzhinina, Irina A unique genomic architecture of Trichoderma species from Section LongibrachiatumKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013