Full name Familienname, Vorname
Bram, Martin

Results 1-20 of 40 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Nenning, Andreas ; Opitz, Alexander Karl ; Bischof, Cornelia ; Holzmann, Manuel ; Gerstl, Matthias ; Doppler, Michael ; Bram, Martin Model Experiments for Bridging the Gap between Fundamentals and Applied SOFC ResearchPresentation Vortrag27-Jun-2022
2Nenning, Andreas ; Opitz, Alexander Karl ; Gerstl, Matthias ; Doppler, Michael ; Bischof, Cornelia ; Schafbauer, Wolfgang ; Bram, Martin Impedance models for bridging the gap between fundamentals and applied SOFC researchPresentation VortragJun-2022
3Opitz, Alexander ; Nenning, Andreas ; Bischof, Cornelia ; Gerstl, Matthias ; Fleig, Jürgen ; Bram, Martin Hydrogen oxidation kinetics on Ni/GDC: Bridging the gap between model-type thin film and porous electrodesPräsentation Presentation2021
4Nenning, Andreas ; Bischof, Cornelia ; Fleig, Jürgen ; Bram, Martin ; Opitz, Alexander K. The Relation of Microstructure, Materials Properties and Impedance of SOFC Electrodes: A Case Study of Ni/GDC AnodesArtikel Article 2020
5Bram, Martin ; Thaler, Florian ; Bischof, Cornelia ; Udomsilp, David ; Opitz, Alexander Recent progress in the development of metal-supportes fuel cellsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2020
6Opitz, Alexander ; Nenning, Andreas ; Bischof, Cornelia ; Gerstl, Matthias ; Fleig, Jürgen ; Bram, Martin Hydrogen oxidation kinetics on Ni/GDC:Brigding the gap between model-type thin film and porous electrodesPräsentation Presentation2020
7Udomsilp, David ; Rechberger, Jürgen ; Neubauer, Raphael ; Bischof, Cornelia ; Thaler, Florian ; Schafbauer, Wolfgang ; Menzler, Norbert H. ; de Haart, Lambertus G.J. ; Nenning, Andreas ; Opitz, Alexander K. ; Guillon, Olivier ; Bram, Martin Metal-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Exceptionally High Power Density for Range Extender SystemsArtikel Article 2020
8Thaler, Florian ; Udomsilp, David ; Beez, Alexander ; Bischof, Cornelia ; Rojek-Wöckner, Veronika ; Schafbauer, W. ; Theodoro, Givanna ; Nenning, Andreas ; Opitz, Alexander ; Guillon, Oliver ; Bram, Martin Improved Electrochemical Performance and Long-Term Stability of Metal-Supported Fuel Cells by Optimized Cell ProcessingPräsentation Presentation2019
9Bram, Martin ; Schafbauer, W. ; Rechberger, Jürgen ; Opitz, Alexander Introduction of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Interfaces in Metal-supported Electrochemical Energy ConvertersPräsentation Presentation2019
10Nenning, Andreas ; Opitz, Alexander ; Gerstl, Matthias ; Doppler, Michael ; Bischof, Cornelia ; Schafbauer, W. ; Bram, Martin Model Experiments for Mechanistic Interpretation of Anode ImpedancePräsentation Presentation2019
11Bischof, Cornelia ; Malleier, Andreas ; Gladbach, Andre ; Martetschläger, Lukas ; Nenning, Andreas ; Udomsilp, David ; Schafbauer, W. ; Bram, Martin 26 Improved Cell Performance of the Plansee MSC by Stepwise Optimization of the MicrostructurePräsentation Presentation2019
12Opitz, Alexander ; Gerstl, Matthias ; Bram, Martin Model-System Supported Impedance Simulation of Composite ElectrodesPräsentation Presentation2019
13Nenning, Andreas ; Gerstl, Matthias ; Bram, Martin ; Opitz, Alexander Mechanistic Insight into Porous Electrode Impedance: An Example of Ni+YSZ Cermet AnodesPräsentation Presentation2019
14Nenning, Andreas ; Opitz, Alexander ; Bischof, Cornelia ; Bram, Martin ; Fleig, Jürgen Origin of the Excellent Kinetics of Porous Ni-GDC Anodes in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Revealed by Impedance SpectroscopyPräsentation Presentation2019
15Thaler, Florian ; Udomsilp, David ; Schafbauer, Wolfgang ; Bischof, Cornelia ; Fukuyama, Yosuke ; Miura, Yohei ; Kawabuchi, Mari ; Taniguchi, Shunsuke ; Takemiya, Satoshi ; Nenning, Andreas ; Opitz, Alexander Karl ; Bram, Martin Redox stability of metal-supported fuel cells with nickel/gadolinium doped ceria anodeArtikel Article 2019
16Bischof, Cornelia ; Nenning, Andreas ; Malleier, Andreas ; Martetschläger, Lukas ; Gladbach, Andre ; Schafbauer, Wolfgang ; Opitz, Alexander K. ; Bram, Martin Microstructure optimization of nickel/gadolinium doped ceria anodes as key to significantly increasing power density of metal-supported solid oxide fuel cellsArtikel Article 2019
17Thaler, Florian ; Nenning, Andreas ; Bischof, Cornelia ; Udomsilp, David ; de Haart, L. G. J. ; Opitz, Alexander Karl ; Bram, Martin Optimized Cell Processing as the Key of High Electrochemical Performance of Metal-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells.Artikel Article2019
18Nenning, Andreas ; Gerstl, Matthias ; Bram, Martin ; Opitz, Alexander Karl Mechanistic Insight into Porous Electrode Impedance: An Example of Ni+YSZ Cermet AnodesArtikel Article2019
19Opitz, Alexander ; Gerstl, Matthias ; Bram, Martin 13th EUROPEAN SOFC & SOE FORUM 2018Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2018
20Thaler, Florian ; Udomsilp, David ; Schafbauer, W. ; Bischof, Cornelia ; Fukuyama, Yosuke ; Kawabuchi, Mari ; Taniguchi, Shunsuke ; Takemiya, Satoshi ; Opitz, Alexander ; Bram, Martin 13th EUROPEAN SOFC & SOE FORUM 2018Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2018