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Gocheva, Irina

Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Rosenberg, Egon-Erwin ; Kanakaki, Chrysoula ; Amon, Alfred ; Gocheva, Irina ; Trifonova, Atanaska Understanding the degradation processes of the electrolyte of lithium ion batteries by chromatographic analysisArtikel Article2017
2Kanakaki, Chrysoula ; Gocheva, Irina ; Trifonova, Atanaska ; Rosenberg, Egon-Erwin Fast and Potentially on-line Gas Chromatographic Methods for the Monitoring of Volatile Emissions of Lithium Ion BatteriesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2017
3Kanakaki, Chrysoula ; Rosenberg, Egon-Erwin ; Amon, Alfred ; Gocheva, Irina ; Trifonova, Atanaska Using Chromatographic Methods for the Assessment of Safety Hazards Arising from Lithium Ion BatteriesPräsentation Presentation2016
4Kanakaki, Chrysoula ; Rosenberg, Egon-Erwin ; Amon, Alfred ; Gocheva, Irina ; Trifonova, Atanaska Understanding the Degradation Processes of the Electrolyte of Lithium Ion Batteries by Chromatographic AnalysisPräsentation Presentation2016
5Rosenberg, Egon-Erwin ; Kanakaki, Chrysoula ; Amon, Alfred ; Trifonova, Atanaska ; Gocheva, Irina Off-line and on-line chromatographic methods for the characterization of volatile degradation products of Li ion battery electrolytesPräsentation Presentation2015
6Rosenberg, Egon-Erwin ; Kanakaki, Chrysoula ; Amon, Alfred ; Trifonova, Atanaska ; Gocheva, Irina Lithium Ion Batteries: An Analytical Approach to Assess the Hazard Arising from the Degradation of Their Organic Electrolyte Under Conditions of Normal Use and AbusePräsentation Presentation2015
7Rosenberg, Egon-Erwin ; Kanakaki, Chrysoula ; Amon, Alfred ; Trifonova, Atanaska ; Gocheva, Irina Using Chromatographic and Hyphenated Methods to Study the Behavior of Li-Ion Batteries under Normal Operation Conditions and MalfunctioningPräsentation Presentation2015
8Rosenberg, Egon-Erwin ; Kanakaki, Chrysoula ; Amon, Alfred ; Trifonova, Atanaska ; Gocheva, Irina Characterization of the volatile degradation products of the organic electrolyte in Li-ion batteries under conditions of normal use and abuseKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2015