Full name Familienname, Vorname
Koch, Bettina
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Theuer, Timon ; Baumgartner, Sonja ; Koch, Bettina ; Liska, Robert ; Stampfl, Jürgen Digital Materials: hybrid printing process for large scale productionPresentation Vortrag5-Sep-2023
2Theuer, Timon ; Baumgartner, Sonja ; Koch, Bettina ; Liska, Robert ; Stampfl, Jürgen Digital Materials – Bioinspired 3D-printing concept for photopolymers with increased toughnessPresentation Vortrag4-Sep-2023
3Theuer, Timon ; Baumgartner, Sonja ; Koch, Bettina ; Liska, Robert ; Stampfl, Jürgen Digital Materials – Photopolymers with increased toughnessPresentation Vortrag4-May-2023
4Koch Bettina - 2023 - Development of inkjet inks for the fabrication of digital...pdf.jpgKoch, Bettina Development of inkjet inks for the fabrication of digital materials with increased toughnessThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
5Koch, Bettina ; Hochwallner, Alexander ; Liska, Robert ; Stampfl, Jürgen Ink development for the fabrication of digital materials with increased fracture toughnessPräsentation Presentation2021
6Ruppitsch, Larrisa Alena ; Peer, Gernot ; Ehrmann, Katharina ; Koch, Bettina ; Liska, Robert Difunctional Cyclopolymerizable Monomers For Reduced Shrinkage Of Photopolymerizable NetworksKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2021
7Berg, Andreas ; Koch, Bettina ; Hochwallner, Alexander ; Stampfl, Jürgen ; Grasl, Christian ; Moscato, Francesco Magnetic resonance microscopy for the non-destructive analysis of polymer micro structures produced using additive manufacturingKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2021
8Koch, Bettina Tailored urethane methacrylates for tough, thermoplastic-like photopolymers via hot lithographyThesis Hochschulschrift2019