Full name Familienname, Vorname
Vecchiato, Sara

Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Ipsmiller, Wolfgang ; Piribauer, Benjamin ; Vecchiato, Sara ; Bartl, Andreas ; Gübitz, Georg ; Ruppert, Gerald Circular economy solution for flame-retardant protective clothingArtikel Article2019
2Ipsmiller, Wolfgang ; Piribauer, Benjamin ; Vecchiato, Sara ; Bartl, Andreas ; Gübitz, Georg ; Ruppert, Gerald Circular-Economy-Lösung für flammhemmende SchutzbekleidungArtikel Article2019
3Ipsmiller, Wolfgang ; Piribauer, Benjamin ; Vecchiato, Sara ; Bartl, Andreas ; Gübitz, Georg ; Ruppert, Gerald A recovery concept for constituents of protective garments introducing enzymatic hydrolisisKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
4Vecchiato, Sara ; Skopek, Lukas ; Russmayer, Hannes ; Steiger, Matthias ; Aldrian, Alexia ; Beer, Bianca ; Herrero-Acero, Enrique ; Gübitz, Georg Microbial production of high value molecules using rayon waste material as carbon-sourceArtikel Article 2019
5Tallian, Claudia ; Rumpler, Vanessa ; Skopek, Lukas ; Russmayer, Hannes ; Steiger, Matthias G. ; Vielnascher, Robert ; Weinberger, Simone ; Pellis, Alessandro ; Vecchiato, Sara ; Guebitz, Georg M. Glutathione from recovered glucose as ingredient in antioxidant nanocapsules for triggered flavor deliveryArtikel Article 2019
6Vecchiato, Sara ; Skopek, Lukas ; Jankova, Stepanka ; Pellis, Alessandro ; Ipsmiller, Wolfgang ; Aldrian, Alexia ; Mueller, Bernhard ; Herrero Acero, Enrique ; Guebitz, Georg M. Enzymatic Recycling of High-Value Phosphor Flame-Retardant Pigment and Glucose from Rayon FibersArtikel Article 2018