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Köchl, A

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Auzinger, Thomas ; Mistelbauer, Gabriel ; Baclija, Ivan ; Schernthaner, Rüdiger ; Köchl, A ; Wimmer, Michael ; Gröller, Eduard ; Bruckner, Stefan Vessel Visualization using Curved Surface ReformationArtikel Article 16-Oct-2013
2Roos, Justus ; Fleischmann, Dominik ; Köchl, A ; Rakshe, Tejas ; Straka, Matus ; Napoli, Alessandro ; Kanitsar, Armin ; Sramek, Milos ; Gröller, Eduard Multipath Curved Planar Reformation of the Peripheral Arterial Tree in CT AngiographyArtikel Article 2007
3Köchl, A ; Kanitsar, Armin ; Lomoschitz, F ; Gröller, Eduard ; Fleischmann, Dominik Comprehensive assessment of peripheral arteries using multi-path curved planar reformation of CTA datasetsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2003
4Straka, Matus ; Sramek, Milos ; LaCruz, Alexandra ; Köchl, A ; Gröller, Eduard ; Fleischmann, Dominik A probabilistic atlas of the lower extremity arterial tree for perpheral CT angiographyKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2003