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Kollndorfer, Kathrin

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1Licandro, Roxane ; Nenning, K.H. ; Schwartz, Ernst ; Kollndorfer, Kathrin ; Bartha-Doering, Lisa ; Hesheng, Liu ; Langs, Georg Assessing Reorganisation of Functional Connectivity in the Infant BrainKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2017
2Licandro, Roxane ; Nenning, K.H. ; Kollndorfer, Kathrin ; Bartha-Doering, Lisa ; Langs, Georg Longitudinal influence assessment of paediatric stroke events on resting state networksPräsentation Presentation2016
3Licandro, Roxane ; Nenning, K.H. ; Schwartz, Ernst ; Kollndorfer, Kathrin ; Bartha-Doering, Lisa ; Langs, Georg Changing Functional Connectivity in the Child's Developing Brain Affected by Ischaemic StrokeKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2016