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Schmid, Stefan
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Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Winkler, Kyrill ; Paz, Ami ; Galeana, Hugo Rincon ; Schmid, Stefan ; Schmid, Ulrich The Time Complexity of Consensus Under Oblivious Message AdversariesInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 1-Feb-2023
2Avarikioti, Georgia ; Pietrzak, Krzysztof ; Salem, Iosif ; Schmid, Stefan ; Tiwari, Samarth ; Yeo, Michelle Hide & Seek: Privacy-Preserving Rebalancing on Payment Channel NetworksInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag 22-Oct-2022
3Tiwari-2022-Wiser Increasing Throughput in Payment Channel Networks with ...-vor.pdf.jpgTiwari, Samarth ; Yeo, Michelle ; Avarikioti, Georgia ; Salem, Iosif ; Pietrzak, Krzysztof ; Schmid, Stefan Wiser: Increasing Throughput in Payment Channel Networks with Transaction AggregationInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag Sep-2022
4Fenz, Thomas ; Foerster, Klaus-Tycho ; Schmid, Stefan ; Villedieu, Anaïs Efficient non-segregated routing for reconfigurable demand-aware networksArtikel Article 2020
5Fenz, Thomas ; Foerster, Klaus-Tycho ; Schmid, Stefan ; Villedieu, Anaıs Efficient non-segregated routing for reconfigurable demand-aware networksKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2019