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Mouilleron, Irina

Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Reeve, Petra J. ; Mouilleron, Irina ; Chuang, Hui-Ping ; Thwaites, Ben ; Hyde, Kylie ; Dinesh, Nirmala ; Krampe, Joerg ; Lin, Tsair-Fuh ; van den Akker, Ben Effect of feed starvation on side-stream anammox activity and key microbial populationsArtikel Article 2016
2Mouilleron, Irina ; Lacoste, L ; van den Akker, Ben ; Krampe, Jörg ; Keegan, Alexandra ; Hyde, Kylie ; Graveleau, L ; Dauthuille, P Efficient control of deammonification Cleargreen® plants - First development at demonstration scale in AustraliaPräsentation Presentation2014
3Mouilleron, Irina ; Hyde, Kylie ; van den Akker, Ben ; Rinck-Pfeiffer, Stephanie ; Keegan, Alexandra ; Krampe, Jörg ; Lacoste, L ; Graveleau, L Managing ammonia load variations on the deammonification process - Lessons learnt from the demonstration scaleKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2014
4Mouilleron, Irina ; Hyde, Kylie ; Reid, Kathrin ; Keegan, Alexandra ; Rinck-Pfeiffer, Stephanie ; Krampe, Jörg ; van den Akker, Ben Start-up of a demonstration-scale de-ammonification reactor at Bolivar WWTPArtikel Article2014
5van den Akker, Ben ; Mouilleron, Irina ; Hyde, Kylie ; Keegan, Alexandra ; Rinck-Pfeiffer, Stephanie ; Krampe, Jörg Improving the sustainability of wastewater treatment with the Anammox processKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2013