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Plank, Bernhard

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Kastner, Johann ; Baumgartner, Stefan ; Plank, Bernhard ; Harrer, Bernhard ; Gusenbauer, Christian ; Requena, Guillermo ; Garces, Gerardo Microstructure characterization of thermomechanically treated Al- and Mg-alloys by high resolution X-ray computed tomographyPräsentation Presentation2013
2Kastner, Johann ; Plank, Bernhard ; Requena, Guillermo Non-destructive characterisation of polymers and Al-alloys by polychromatic cone-beam phase contrast tomographyArtikel Article2012
3Harrer, Bernhard ; Plank, Bernhard ; Moore, David ; Kastner, Johann ; Degischer, Hans-Peter Röntgen-Computertomographie von Heterogenitäten in EisenwerkstoffenKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2008