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Raum, Kay

Results 1-7 of 7 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Iori, Gianluca ; Schneider, Johannes ; Reisinger, Andreas ; Heyer, Frans ; Peralta, Laura ; Wyers, Caroline ; Glüer, Claus C. ; van den Bergh, J.P. ; Pahr, Dieter ; Raum, Kay Cortical thinning and accumulation of large cortical pores in the tibia reflect local structural deterioration of the femoral neckArtikel Article 2020
2Iori, Gianluca ; Peralta, Laura ; Reisinger, Andreas ; Heyer, Frans ; Wyers, Caroline ; van den Bergh, Joop ; Pahr, Dieter ; Raum, Kay Femur strength predictions by nonlinear homogenized voxel finite element models reflect the microarchitecture of the femoral neckArtikel Article 2020
3Iori, Gianluca ; Schneider, Johannes ; Heyer, Frans ; Wyers, Caroline ; Glüer, Claus C. ; van den Bergh, Joop ; Pahr, Dieter ; Raum, Kay Cortical Bone Thinning at the Tibia Reflects Femoral Neck Structural DeteriorationKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
4Iori, Gianluca ; Schneider, Johannes ; Reisinger, Andreas ; Heyer, Frans ; Peralta, Laura ; Wyers, Caroline ; Gräsel, Melanie ; Barkmann, Reinhard ; Glüer, Claus C. ; van den Bergh, J. P. ; Pahr, Dieter ; Raum, Kay Large cortical bone pores in the tibia are associated with proximal femur strengthArtikel Article 2019
5Iori, Gianluca ; Reisinger, Andreas G. ; Peralta, Laura ; Raum, Kay ; Pahr, Dieter H. Stiffness Coefficients of Compressive and Bending Nature During Quasi-Static Mechanical Tests of the HipPräsentation Presentation2017
6Varga, Peter ; Hesse, Bernhard ; Langer, Max ; Schrof, Susanne ; Männike, Nils ; Suhonen, Heikki ; Pacareanu, Alexandra ; Pahr, Dieter H. ; Peyrin, Françoise ; Raum, Kay Synchrotron X-Ray Phase Nano-Tomography-Based Analysis of the Lacunar-Canaliicular Network Morphology and its Relation to the Strains Experienced by Osteocytes in Situ as Predicted by Case-Specific Finite Element AnalysisArtikel Article 2015
7Gerisch, Alf ; Tiburtius, Sara ; Grimal, Quentin ; Molnar, Ferenc ; Spiesz, Ewa ; Langner, Max ; Zysset, Philippe K. ; Peyrin, Françoise ; Raum, Kay A Micromechanical Model of the Mineralized Collagen Fibril Bundle with Application to Mineralized Turkey Leg Tendon DataPräsentation Presentation2011