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Desissaire, Sylvie

Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Andriotis, Orestis G. ; Handelshauser, Martin ; Desissaire, Sylvie ; Thurner, Philipp J. A Nonlinear Rheological Model to Assess Tensile Properties of Individual Collagen FibrilsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2019
2Andriotis, Orestis G. ; Handelshauser, Martin ; Desissaire, Sylvie ; Thurner, Philipp J. Hydration changes the tensile elasticity but not viscosity of individual collagen fibrils at low strainsPräsentation Presentation2019
3Thurner, Philipp J. ; Andriotis, Orestis G. ; Desissaire, Sylvie ; Jones, Mark G. ; Davies, Donna E. Experimental micro- and nanomechanics of collagen rich-tissues and individual collagen fibrilsPräsentation Presentation2019
4Handelshauser, Martin ; Andriotis, Orestis G. ; Desissaire, Sylvie ; Marchetti-Deschmann, Martina ; Thurner, Philipp J. Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Partially Dehydrated Collagen Fibrils through a Novel Nonlinear Rheological Model for Tensile TestsPräsentation Presentation2019
5Thurner, Philipp J. ; Andriotis, Orestis G. ; Desissaire, Sylvie ; Jones, Mark G. ; Thorpe, Chavaunne ; Spiesz, Ewa ; Rohatschek, Andreas ; Nalbach, Mathis ; Schitter, Georg ; Screen, Hazel R.C. ; Davies, Donna E. Micromechanics of collagen rich-tissues and nanomechanics of individual collagen fibrils as a function of hydration, cross-linking, age and tissue functionPräsentation Presentation2018
6Andriotis, Orestis G. ; Desissaire, Sylvie ; Thurner, Philipp J. Collagen Fibril Stiffness is Sensitive to Osmotic StressPräsentation Presentation2016
7Andriotis, Orestis G. ; Desissaire, Sylvie ; Thurner, Philipp J. Collagen Nanoelasticity is Tunable via Osmotic PressurePräsentation Presentation2016
8Andriotis, Orestis G. ; Desissaire, Sylvie ; Thurner, Philipp J. Osmotic Stress is a Major Contributor to the Function of the Collagen FibrilPräsentation Presentation2015
9Desissaire, Sylvie ; Andriotis, Orestis G. ; Thurner, Philipp J. Nanoelasticity and Structure of Collagen Fibrils Highly Influenced by Osmotic StressPräsentation Presentation2015