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Dhar, S.

Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Sverdlov, V. ; Karlowatz, G. ; Dhar, S. ; Kosina, H. ; Selberherr, S. Two-Band k.p Model for the Conduction Band in Silicon: Impact of Strain and Confinement on Band Structure and MobilityArtikel Article2008
2Ungersboeck, E. ; Gös, W. ; Dhar, S. ; Kosina, H. ; Selberherr, S. The Effect of Uniaxial Stress on Band Structure and Electron Mobility of SiliconArtikel Article2008
3Ungersboeck, E. ; Dhar, S. ; Karlowatz, G. ; Sverdlov, V. ; Kosina, H. ; Selberherr, S. The Effect of General Strain on the Band Structure and Electron Mobility of SiliconArtikel Article2007
4Dhar, S. ; Ungersboeck, E. ; Kosina, H. ; Grasser, T. ; Selberherr, S. Analytical Modeling of Electron Mobility in Strained GermaniumKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2006
5Dhar, S. ; Karlowatz, G. ; Ungersboeck, E. ; Kosina, H. Numerical and Analytical Modeling of the High-Field Electron Mobility in Strained SiliconKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005