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Rodin, Pavel

Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Mamanee, Wasinee ; Johnsson, David ; Bychikhin, Sergey ; Stecher, Matthias ; Esmark, Kai ; Gossner, Harald ; Gornik, Erich ; Rodin, Pavel ; Pogany, Dionyz Pulse risetime effect on current filamentary modes and interaction of current filaments in ESD protection devicesPräsentation Presentation2010
2Pogany, Dionyz ; Johnsson, David ; Bychikhin, Sergey ; Esmark, Kai ; Rodin, Pavel ; Gornik, Erich ; Stecher, Matthias ; Gossner, Harald Nonlinear dynamics approach in modeling of the on-state-spreading - related voltage and current transients in 90nm CMOS silicon controlled rectifiersKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
3Pogany, Dionyz ; Bychikhin, Sergey ; Mamanee, Wasinee ; Gornik, Erich ; Johnsson, David ; Esmark, Kai ; Gossner, Harald ; Stecher, Matthias ; Rodin, Pavel Interacting traveling current filaments and spreading fronts in sandwiched semiconductor nanostructuresKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2009
4Pogany, Dionyz ; Bychikhin, Sergey ; Esmark, Kai ; Rodin, Pavel ; Johnsson, David ; Stecher, Matthias ; Gornik, Erich ; Gossner, Harald Modeling of on-state width spreading and voltage transients in 90nm CMOS SCRPräsentation Presentation2009
5Pogany, Dionyz ; Bychikhin, Sergey ; Johnsson, David ; Esmark, Kai ; Rodin, Pavel ; Stecher, Matthias ; Gornik, Erich ; Gossner, Harald Assessing "2D" holding point in ESD protection structures exhibiting 3D behavior using multi-level TLP analysisPräsentation Presentation2009
6Mamanee, Wasinee ; Johnsson, David ; Rodin, Pavel ; Bychikhin, Sergey ; Dubec, Victor ; Stecher, Matthias ; Gornik, Erich ; Pogany, Dionyz Interaction of traveling current filaments and its relation to a nontrivial thermal breakdown scenario in avalanching bipolar transistorArtikel Article2009
7Pogany, Dionyz ; Bychikhin, Sergey ; Kuzmik, Jan ; Gornik, Erich ; Denison, Marie ; Jensen, Nils ; Stecher, Matthias ; Rodin, Pavel ; Groos, Gerhard Observation of travelling current filaments in semiconductor devices using transient interferometric mappingKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
8Rodin, Pavel ; Pogany, Dionyz Theory of travelling filaments in bistable semiconductorsKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2005
9Denison, Marie ; Blaho, M. ; Rodin, Pavel ; Dubec, Victor ; Pogany, Dionyz ; Silber, D ; Gornik, Erich ; Stecher, Matthias Moving Current Filaments in Integrated DMOS Transistors Under Short-Duration Current StressArtikel Article2004