Full name Familienname, Vorname
Huber, H.

Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Adamovic, Nadja ; Zimmermann, Andreas ; Acciarri, M. ; Pilat, Lukas ; Huber, H. ; Maturi, L. Custom Designed Photovoltoie Modules for PiPV and BiPV Applications Developed within FP7 EU Project SolardesignKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2016
2Smoliner, Jürgen ; Huber, H. ; Hochleitner, M ; Mörtelmaier, M ; Kienberger, F Scanning microwave microscopy/spectroscopy on metal-oxidesemiconductor systemsArtikel Article2010
3Huber, H. ; Mörtelmaier, M ; Wallis, T.M. ; Chiang, C.J. ; Hochleitner, M ; Imtiaz, A ; Oh, Y.J. ; Schilcher, K ; Dieudonne, M ; Smoliner, Jürgen ; Hinterdorfer, P ; Rosner, S.J. ; Tanbakuchi, H ; Kabos, P ; Kienberger, F Calibrated nanoscale capacitance measurements using a scanning microwave microscopeArtikel Article2010
4Zoppel, S. ; Huber, H. ; Reider, G.A. Selective ablation of thin Mo and TCO films with femtosecond laser pulses for structuring thin film solar cellsArtikel Article2007
5Zoppel, Sandra ; Choleva, C. ; Partel, S. ; Hudek, Peter ; Reider, Georg ; Huber, H. ; Lederer, M. ; Aus der Au, J. Micro structuring of photoresist with femtosecond laser pulsesKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007