Full name Familienname, Vorname
Song, Hong

Results 1-7 of 7 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Oldenbeuving, Ruud M. ; Song, Hong ; Schitter, Georg ; Verhaegen, Michel ; Klein, Edwin Jan ; Lee, Chris J. ; Offerhaus, Herman L. ; Boller, Klaus-J. High precision wavelength estimation method for integrated opticsArtikel Article2013
2Song, Hong ; Fraanje, Rufus ; Schitter, Georg ; Kroese, Henk ; Vdovin, Gleb ; Verhaegen, Michel Model-based aberration correction in a closed-loop wavefront-sensor-less adaptive optics systemArtikel Article2011
3Song, Hong ; Fraanje, Rufus ; Schitter, Georg ; Vdovin, Gleb ; Verhaegen, Michel Controller Design for a High-Sampling-Rate Closed-Loop Adaptive Optics System with Piezo-Driven Deformable MirrorArtikel Article2011
4Song, Hong ; Fraanje, Rufus ; Schitter, Georg ; Vdovin, Gleb ; Verhaegen, Michel Modeling and Control of a Nonlinear Dynamic Adaptive Optics SystemKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings 2010
5Song, Hong ; Fraanje, Rufus ; Schitter, Georg ; Kroese, Henk ; Vdovin, Gleb ; Verhaegen, Michel Model-based aberration correction in a closed-loop wavefront-sensor-less adaptive optics systemArtikel Article2010
6Song, Hong ; Fraanje, Rufus ; Schitter, Georg ; Verhaegen, Michel ; Vdovin, Gleb Hysteresis Compensation in Wavefront-sensor-less Adaptive Optics SystemsPräsentation Presentation2009
7Song, Hong ; Fraanje, Rufus ; Vdovin, Gleb ; Schitter, Georg ; Verhaegen, Michel Hysteresis Compensation for a Piezo Deformable MirrorKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2007