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Perlin, P

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Reitterer, Jörg ; Fidler, Franz ; Hambeck, Christian ; Saint Julien-Wallsee, Ferdinand ; Najda, Stephen ; Perlin, P ; Stanczyk, Szymon ; Czernecki, Robert ; McDougall, Stewart D. ; Meredith, Wyn ; Vickers, Garrie ; Landles, Kennedy ; Schmid, Ulrich Integrated RGB laser light module for autostereoscopic outdoor displaysKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2015
2Bychikhin, Sergey ; Swietlik, T ; Suski, T ; Porowski, S ; Perlin, P ; Pogany, Dionyz Thermal analysis of InGaN/GaN (GaN substrate) laser diodes using transient interferometric mappingArtikel Article2007
3Bychikhin, Sergey ; Swietlik, T ; Suski, T ; Porowski, S ; Perlin, P ; Pogany, Dionyz Thermal Analysis of InGaN/GaN(GaN substrate) Laser Diodes using Transient Interferometric MappingPräsentation Presentation2007