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Huth, M

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1Porrati, F ; Barth, S ; Sachser, R ; Jungwirth, F ; Eltsov, M ; Frangakis, A S ; Huth, M Binary Mn-Si nanostructures prepared by focused electron beam induced deposition from the precursor SiH₃Mn(CO)₅Artikel Article 2018
2Seifner, Michael S. ; Sistani, Masiar ; Pertl, Patrik ; Porrati, F ; Zivadinovic, Ivan ; Lugstein, Alois ; Huth, M ; Barth, Sven Christian Growth and Characterization of Hyperdoped Germanium Nanorods and NanowiresKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2018
3Porrati, F ; Pohlit, M ; Müller, J ; Barth, S ; Biegger, F ; Gspan, C ; Plank, H ; Huth, M Direct writing of CoFe alloy nanostructures by focused electron beam induced deposition from a heteronuclear precursorArtikel Article2015