| | Preview | Author(s) | Title | Type | Issue Date |
| 1 | | Shumakova, Valentina ; Fellinger, Jakob ; Pecile, Vito F. ; Leskowschek, Michael ; Aldia, P. E. Collin ; Mayer, Aline S. ; Salman, Sarper ; Fan, Mingqi ; Balla, Prannay ; Schilt, Stéphane ; Heyl, Christoph ; Hartl, Ingmar ; Porat, Gil ; Heckl, Oliver H. | Spectrally Tunable High-Power Low-Noise Yb:fiber-based Chirped Pulse Amplifier | Inproceedings Konferenzbeitrag  | 2022 |
| 2 | | Shumakova, Valentina ; Fellinger, Jakob ; Pecile, Vito ; Leskowschek Michael ; Aldia, P. E. Collin ; Mayer, Aline S. ; Salman, Sarper ; Fan, Mingqi ; Balla, Prannay ; Schilt, Stephane ; Heyl, Christoph ; Hartl, Ingmar ; Porat, Gil ; Heckl, Oliver H. | Spectrally Tunable High-Power Low-Noise Yb:Fiber-Based Chirped Pulse Amplifier for Mid-IR Light Generation | Presentation Vortrag | 2022 |
| 3 | | Pecile, Vito Fabian ; Shumakova, Valentina ; Fellinger, Jakob ; Aldia, Collin ; Mayer, Aline Sophie ; Salman, Sarper ; Fan, Mingqi ; Balla, Prannay ; Schilt, Stephane ; Heyl, Christoph ; Hartl, Ingmar ; Porat, Gil ; Heckl, Oliver Hubert | Spectral shaping of 100-W Yb:fiber laser system with preservation of the low noise performance | Konferenzbeitrag Inproceedings | 2021 |