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Bucher, Edith

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Nimmervoll, Manuela ; Mori, Gregor ; Bucher, Edith ; Hönig, Stefan ; Haubner, Roland Effect of Varying H2S Content on High-Temperature Corrosion of Ferritic and Austenitic Alloys in a Simulated Pyrolysis Process of Post-Consumer PlasticsArtikel Article 2021
2Nimmervoll, Manuela ; Mori, Gregor ; Bucher, Edith ; Schmid, Alexander ; Haubner, Roland Corrosion of N10276 in a H₂S, HCl, and CO₂ Containing Atmosphere at 480 ◦C and 680 ◦CArtikel Article 2021
3Lammer, Judith ; Berger, Christian ; Löffler, Stefan ; Knez, Daniel ; Longo, Paolo ; Bucher, Edith ; Kothleitner, Gerald ; Egger, Andreas ; Merkle, Rotraut ; Sitte, Werner ; Maier, Joachim ; Grogger, W. Quantifying ordering phenomena in lanthanum barium ferrate at the atomic scalePräsentation Presentation2020
4Schmid, Alexander ; Mori, Gregor ; Bucher, Edith ; Haubner, Roland Model About the Course of Corrosion Reactions of Austenitic Steels in H2S-, HCl- and CO2-Containing Atmospheres at 680 °CArtikel Article 2019