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Klaussner, M

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1Heer, Michael ; Bychikhin, Sergey ; Mamanee, Wasinee ; Pogany, Dionyz ; Heid, A ; Grombach, P ; Klaussner, M ; Soppa, W. ; Ramler, B Experimental and numerical analysis of current flow homogeneity in low voltage SOI multi-finger gg-NMOS and NPN ESD protection devicesArtikel Article2007
2Heer, Michael ; Bychikhin, Sergey ; Mamanee, Wasinee ; Pogany, Dionyz ; Heid, A ; Grambach, P ; Klaussner, M ; Soppa, W. ; Ramler, B Experimental and numerical analysis of current flow homogeneity in low voltage SOI multi-finger gg-NMOS and NPN ESD protection devicesPräsentation Presentation2007