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Small, John V.

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Elsayad, Kareem ; Urich, Alexander ; Tan, Piau Siong ; Nemethova, Maria ; Small, John V. ; Unterrainer, Karl ; Heinze, Katrin G. Spectrally coded optical nanosectioning (SpecON) with biocompatible metal-dielectric-coated substratesArtikel Article2013
2Elsayad, Kareem ; Urich, Alexander ; Nemethova, Maria ; Small, John V. ; Unterrainer, Karl ; Heinze, Katrin G. Fluorescence enhancements and spectral modifications near the cut-off frequency of plasmonic structurePräsentation Presentation2012
3Elsayad, Kareem ; Urich, Alexander ; Nemethova, Maria ; Small, John V. ; Unterrainer, Karl ; Heinze, Katrin G. Fluorescence enhancements and spectral modifications near the cut-off frequency of plasmonic structureKonferenzbeitrag Inproceedings2012