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Butz, Tilman

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Ryu, S. ; Das, S.K. ; Butz, Tilman ; Schmitz, Werner ; Spiel, Christian ; Blaha, Peter ; Schwarz, Karlheinz Nuclear quadrupole interaction at ⁴⁴Sc in the anatase and rutile modifications of TiO₂ : Time-differential perturbed-angular-correlation measurements and ab initio calculationsArtikel Article2008
2Spemann, Daniel ; Reinert, Tilo ; Vogt, Jürgen ; Wassermann, Johann ; Butz, Tilman Active Compensation of Magnetic Stray Fields at LIPSIONPräsentation Presentation2002