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Unger, Ewald

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1Halat-2023-Scientific Reports-vor.pdf.jpgHalát, Gabriel ; Negrin , Lukas ; Hoppe, Paul Lennart ; Unger, Ewald ; Koch, Thomas ; Hirtler, Lena ; Hajdu, Stefan A suture anchor-based repair technique for type IV jersey finger injuries: a biomechanical investigationArticle Artikel 1-Mar-2023
2Benca, Emir ; Ferrante, Beatrice ; Zalaudek, Martin ; Hirtler, Lena ; Synek, Alexander ; Kainberger, Franz M. ; Windhager, Reinhard ; Brånemark, Rickard ; Hobusch, Gerhard M. ; Unger, Ewald Thermal Effects during Bone Preparation and Insertion of Osseointegrated Transfemoral ImplantsArtikel Article 2021
3Benca, Emir ; Ferrante, Beatrice ; Zalaudek, Martin ; Hirtler, Lena ; Synek, Alexander ; Kainberger, Franz ; Windhager, Reinhard ; Brånemark, Rickard ; Hobusch, Gerhard ; Unger, Ewald Hermal Effects During Bone Preparation For- And During Insertion Of Osseointegrated Transfemoral ImplantsPräsentation Presentation2021
4Halát, Gabriel ; Negrin, Lukas L. ; Unger, Ewald ; Koch, Thomas ; Streicher, Johannes ; Erhart, Jochen ; Platzer, Patrick ; Hajdu, Stefan Introduction of a new repair technique in bony avulsion of the FDP tendon: A biomechanical studyArtikel Article 2018
5Varga, Peter ; Schefzig, Philip ; Unger, Ewald ; Mayr, Winfried ; Zysset, Philippe K. ; Erhart, Jochen Finite Element Based Estimation of Contact Areas and Pressures of the Human Scaphoid in Various Functional Positions of the HandArtikel Article 2013
6Varga, Peter ; Schefzig, Philipp ; Unger, Ewald ; Zysset, Philippe K. ; Mayr, Winfried ; Klostermann, Andrea ; Erhart, Jochen Assessment of Cartilage Contact Forces Acting on the Scaphoid Using a Finite Element ModelPräsentation Presentation2010
7Mayr, Winfried ; Hofer, Christian ; Minassian, Karen ; Hofstötter, Ursula ; Kern, Helmut ; Bijak, Manfred ; Unger, Ewald ; Rattay, Frank ; Dimitrijevic, Milan Modulation of stimulation frequency of afferents of the spinal cord from the same site and intensity can induce a variety of movementsArtikel Article 2008