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Gentzel, A.

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1Farahmand, Parviz ; Marin, Fernando ; Hawkins, Federico ; Möricke, Rüdiger ; Ringe, Johann-Diederich ; Glüer, Claus C. ; Papaioannu, Nikolaos ; Minisola, Salvatore ; Martínez, Guillermo ; Nolla, Joan Miquel ; Niedhart, Christopher ; Guañabens, Núria ; Nuti, Ranuccio ; Martín-Mola, Emilio ; Thomasius, Friederieke ; Kapetanos, Georgios ; Peña, Jaime Andrés ; Graeff, Christian ; Petto, Helmut ; Gentzel, A. ; Reisinger, Andreas G. ; Zysset, Philippe K. Changes in Serum PINP during Teriparatide Therapy Correlate with Improvements in Vertebral Strength as Assessed by Finite Element Modeling in Men with Glucocorticoid-Induced OsteoporosisPräsentation Presentation2012