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Panyasantisuk, Jarunan

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Panyasantisuk, Jarunan ; Dall´Ara, Enrico ; Pahr, Dieter H. ; Zysset, Philippe K. Mapping of Trabecular Anisotropy Improves QCT-Based Finite Element Estation of Hip Strength in Pooled Stance and Side-Fall Load ConfigurationsPräsentation Presentation2016
2Panyasantisuk, Jarunan ; Pahr, Dieter H. ; Zysset, Philippe K. Effect of Micro-FE Boundary Conditions on Quadric Yield Criteria of Human Trabecular BonePräsentation Presentation2015
3Panyasantisuk, Jarunan ; Pahr, Dieter H. ; Gross, Thomas ; Zysset, Philippe K. Comparison of Mixed and Kinematic Uniform Boundary Conditions in Homogenized Elasticity of Femoral Trabecular Bone Using Microfinite Element AnalysesArtikel Article 2015
4Pahr, Dieter H. ; Kinzl, Michael ; Dall´Ara, Enrico ; Museyko, Oleg ; Engelke, Klaus ; Panyasantisuk, Jarunan ; Zysset, Philippe K. Femoral strength Computed from QCT-Based Finite Element Analyses is not Influenced by Voxel or Smooth Mesh TypePräsentation Presentation2013