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Euler, Ekkehard

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Baumbach, Sebastian F. ; Binder, Jakob ; Synek, Alexander ; Mück, Fabian G. ; Chevalier, Yan ; Euler, Ekkehard ; Langs, Georg ; Fischer, Lukas Analysis of the Three-Dimensional Anatomical Variance of the Distal Radius Using 3D Shape ModelsArtikel Article 2017
2Synek, Alexaner ; Borgmann, Lars ; Traxler, Hannes ; Huf, Wolfgang ; Euler, Ekkehard ; Chevalier, Yan ; Baumbach, Sebastian F. Using Self-Drilling Screws in Volar Plate Osteosynthesis for Distal Radius Fractures: a feasibility studyOutcome of In Vitro ExperimentsArtikel Article 2016
3Baumbach, Sebastian F. ; Synek, Alexander ; Borgmann, Lars ; Traxler, Hannes ; Euler, Ekkehard ; Chevalier, Yan Feasibility Study on the Use of Self-Drilling and Self-Tapping LOocking Screws in Volar Plate Osteosynthesis for Distal Radius FracturesPräsentation Presentation2015