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Ageeva, Olga

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Schuster, Roman ; Tiede, Lisa ; Ageeva, Olga ; Griffiths, Thomas ; Abart, Rainer ; Habler, Gerlinde Microstructure and Texture of a Spinel Corona Around a Basalt Hosted Corundum XenocrystalArticle Artikel Feb-2023
2Schuster, Roman ; Habler, Gerlinde ; Tiede, Lisa ; Ageeva, Olga ; Abart, Rainer Influence of the reaction interface orientation on the microstructure and texture of spinel formed by topotactic growth on corundumPräsentation Presentation2021