Full name Familienname, Vorname
Thornberg, Dines Erik
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Pistocchi-2023-Water, Air,  Soil Pollution-vor.pdf.jpgPistocchi, Alberto ; Grizzetti, Bruna ; Nielsen, Per Henrik ; Parravicini, Vanessa ; Steinmetz, Heidrun ; Thornberg, Dines ; Vigiak, Olga An assessment of options to improve the removal of excess nutrients from European wastewaterArticle Artikel 2-Sep-2023
2Pistocchi-2022-Science of the Total Environment-vor.pdf.jpgPistocchi, Alberto ; Andersen, H. R. ; Bertanza, Giorgio ; Brander, A. ; CHOUBERT, Jean-Marc ; Cimbritz, M. ; Drewes, Jörg E. ; Koehler, C. ; Krampe, Jörg ; Launay, Marie ; Nielsen, P. H. ; Obermaier, Nathan ; Stanev, S. ; Thornberg, Dines Erik Treatment of micropollutants in wastewater: Balancing effectiveness, costs and implicationsArticle Artikel 1-Dec-2022
3Parravicini-2022-Science of the Total Environment-vor.pdf.jpgParravicini, Vanessa ; Nielsen, Per Henrik ; Thornberg, Dines ; Pistocchi, Alberto Evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions from the European urban wastewater sector, and options for their reductionArticle Artikel 10-Sep-2022