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Grassi, P.

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Grassi, P. ; Nunez, Marvin José ; Varmuza, Kurt ; Franz, Chlodwig Chemical polymorphism of essential oils of Hyptis suaveolens from El SalvadorArtikel Article2005
2Varmuza, Kurt ; Demuth, W ; Grassi, P. GC-Retentionsindizes als Funktion molekularer DeskriptorenPräsentation Presentation2004
3Varmuza, Kurt ; Demuth, W ; Grassi, P. Modeling gas chromatographic retention indices by a large set of general molecular descriptorsPräsentation Presentation2004