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Seifert, Arne

Results 1-12 of 12 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Bernacchi, Sébastien ; Rittmann, Simon ; H. Seifert, Arne ; Krajete, Alexander ; Herwig, Christoph Experimental methods for screening parameters influencing the growth to product yield (Y(x/CH4)) of a biological methane production (BMP) process performed with Methanothermobacter marburgensisArtikel Article2014
2Seifert, A.H. ; Rittmann, S. ; Herwig, C. Analysis of process related factors to increase volumetric productivity and quality of biomethane with Methanothermobacter marburgensisArtikel Article2014
3Seifert, Arne Henry Quantitative process development for biological methane production from gaseous substrates using methanogenic archaeaThesis Hochschulschrift2013
4Rittmann, Simon ; Seifert, Arne ; Herwig, Christoph Essential prerequisites for successful bioprocess development of biological CH₄ production from CO₂ and H₂Artikel Article2013
5Seifert, A.H. ; Rittmann, S. ; Bernacchi, S. ; Herwig, C. Method for assessing the impact of emission gasses on physiology and productivity in biological methanogenesisArtikel Article2013
6Seifert, Arne ; Rittmann, Simon ; Herwig, Christoph Influence of gas/liquid mass transfer on the volumetric production rate and product quality during biological methanogenesisPräsentation Presentation2012
7Rittmann, S. ; Seifert, A. ; Herwig, C. Quantitative analysis of media dilution rate effects on Methanothermobacter marburgensis grown in continuous culture on H₂ and CO₂Artikel Article2012
8Seifert, Arne ; Rittmann, Simon ; Herwig, Christoph Influence of gas/liquid mass transfer on the volumetric production rate and product quality during biological methanogenesisArtikel Article2012
9Seifert, Arne Influence of gas/liquid mass transfer on the volumetric production rate and product quality during biological methanogenesisPräsentation Presentation2012
10Seifert, Arne ; Rittmann, Simon ; Herwig, Christoph Biomethane Production from Gaseous Substrates Using Methanogenic ArcheaPräsentation Presentation2011
11Wechselberger, Patrick ; Seifert, Arne ; Herwig, Christoph PAT method to gather bioprocess parameters in real-time using simple input variables and first principle relationshipsArtikel Article2010
12Seifert, Arne Henry Transient fermentation experiments to analyze mixed substrate dynamics in Pichia pastorisThesis Hochschulschrift2010