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Metscher, Brian

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Hönigsberger, Michaela ; Pretzer, Carina ; Rahimi, Mohammadjavad ; Kopchinskiy, Alexey ; Parich, Alexandra ; Laciny, Alice ; Metscher, Brian ; Chan, Chin Mei ; Lim, Linda ; Salim, Kamariah A. ; Zettel, Herbert ; Druzhinina, Irina ; Schuhmacher, Rainer Strong antimicrobial and low insecticidal activity of mandibular gland reservoir content in Bornean "exploding ants" Colobopsis explodensArtikel Article 2020
2Laciny, Alice ; Zettel, Herbert ; Metscher, Brian ; Kamariah, Abu Salim ; Kopchinskiy, Alexey ; Pretzer, Carina ; Druzhinina, Irina Morphological variation and mermithism in female castes of Colobopsis sp. nrSA, a Bornean "exploding ant" of the Colobopsis cylindrica group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)Artikel Article 2017
3Laciny, Alice ; Zettel, Herbert ; Kopchinskiy, Alexey ; Druzhinina, Irina ; Pretzer, Carina ; Fischer, Michaela ; Parich, Alexandra ; Schuhmacher, Rainer ; Abu Salim, Kamariah ; Metscher, Brian Of pests and guests - parasites and nest-mates in colonies of Bornean exploding ants of the Colobopsis cylindrica complex, Ants 2016-Ants and their biotic environmentPräsentation Presentation2016