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Hannecart, Celine

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

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1Wang, Jia ; Cherevan, Alexey S. ; Hannecart, Celine ; Naghdi, Shaghayegh ; Nandan, Sreejith P. ; Gupta, Tushar ; Eder, Dominik Ti-based MOFs: New insights on the impact of ligand composition and hole scavengers on stability, charge separation and photocatalytic hydrogen evolutionArtikel Article 2021
2Naghdi, Shaghayegh ; Wang, Jia ; Hannecart, Celine ; Haselmann, Greta Marie ; Cherevan, Alexey ; Eder, Dominik Selective ligand removal to improve accessibility of active sites in hierarchical MOFs for heterogeneous photocatalysisPräsentation Presentation2019
3Naghdi, Shaghayegh ; Wang, Jia ; Hannecart, Celine ; Haselmann, Greta Marie ; Cherevan, Alexey ; Eder, Dominik Improve accessibility of active sites in hierarchical MOFs for heterogeneous photocatalysisPräsentation Presentation2019