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Neuhuber, Tatjana

Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Getzner, Michael ; Bröthaler, Johann ; Neuhuber, Tatjana Verteilung der Sozialhilfeumlage: Untersuchung einer gerechten Verteilung der Kostenbeiträge der Sozialhilfeumlage der steirischen GemeindenReport Bericht2023
2Banabak, Selim ; Neuhuber, Tatjana ; Schneider, Antonia Measuring the Effectiveness of the Austrian Anti-Eviction Response during the Start of the COVID-19 PandemicPresentation Vortrag3-Oct-2022
3Banabak, Selim ; Neuhuber, Tatjana ; Schneider, Antonia Measuring the Effectiveness of the Austrian Anti-Eviction Response during the Start of the COVID-19 PandemicPresentation Vortrag25-Aug-2022
4Neuhuber, Tatjana ; Getzner, Michael ; Moroz, Serhiy Determinants and regional economic effects of public spending for social infrastructures in Ukraine: A spatial simultaneous equations approachPräsentation Presentation2021