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Gaier, Johanna

Results 1-11 of 11 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Gaier, Johanna Asymptotic Ruin Probabilitites and Optimal InvestmentPräsentation Presentation2002
2Gaier, Johanna Asymptotic Ruin Probabilities and Optimal InvestmentPräsentation Presentation2002
3Gaier, Johanna Einführung ins Kreditrisiko-Management: Messung, Modelle und Methoden IIIPräsentation Presentation2001
4Gaier, Johanna Asymptotic Ruin Probability and Optimal Investment for an Insurance Company with Small ClaimsPräsentation Presentation2001
5Gaier, Johanna GeneralizationsPräsentation Presentation2001
6Gaier, Johanna Application to American DerivativesPräsentation Presentation2001
7Gaier, Johanna Asymptotic Probabilities and Optimal InvestmentPräsentation Presentation2001
8Gaier, Johanna No-arbitrage Equilibrium, Example of Non-existencePräsentation Presentation2000
9Gaier, Johanna ; Klein, Irene Dual formulation of the utility maximization problem under transaction costs (Deelstra et al.)Präsentation Presentation2000
10Gaier, Johanna PartnershipsPräsentation Presentation2000
11Gaier, Johanna A Basic Property of Incomplete Markets, Constrained Pareto Optimality Abstract Approach: Adjoint EquationsPräsentation Presentation2000