Full name Familienname, Vorname
Stoll, Thomas
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-20 of 22 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Morgenbesser, Johannes ; Shallit, Jeffrey ; Stoll, Thomas Thue-Morse at multiples of an integerArtikel Article Aug-2011
2Drmota, M. ; Stoll, Th. Newman's phenomenon for generalized Thue.Morse sequencesArtikel Article2008
3Stoll, Thomas Decomposition of perturbed Chebyshev polynomialsArtikel Article2008
4Stoll, Thomas ; Tichy, Robert F. Diophantine equations for Morgan-Voyce and other modified orthogonal polynomialsArtikel Article2008
5Stoll, Thomas Complete decomposition of Dickson-type polynomials and related Diophantine equationsArtikel Article2008
6Stoll, Thomas Arithmetic and analytic properties of generalized sequences related to recurrences and digital expansionsThesis Hochschulschrift2008
7Drmota, Michael ; Rivat, Joël ; Stoll, Thomas The sum of digits of primes in ℤ[i]Artikel Article 2008
8Stoll, Thomas The sum of digits of primes in Z[i]Präsentation Presentation2007
9Stoll, Thomas Octahedrons with equally many lattice points and generalizationsPräsentation Presentation2006
10Stoll, Thomas Newman's phenomenon for generalized Thue-Morse sequencesPräsentation Presentation2006
11Stoll, Thomas On a problem of Erdös and Graham concerning digitsArtikel Article2006
12Stoll, Thomas Diophantine equations for orthogonal polynomialsArtikel Article2006
13Stoll, Thomas On families of nonlinear recurrences related to digitsPräsentation Presentation2005
14Stoll, Thomas An intertwined system of recurrences related to the golden meanPräsentation Presentation2005
15Stoll, Thomas On Hofstadter' s married functionsPräsentation Presentation2005
16Stoll, Thomas Endlichkeitsresultate für diophantische Gleichungen in PolynomklassenPräsentation Presentation2005
17Stoll, Thomas On families of nonlinear recurrences related to digitsPräsentation Presentation2005
18Stoll, Thomas On families of nonlinear recurrences related to digitsArtikel Article2005
19Stoll, Thomas Multi-Parametric Extensions of Newman's PhenomenonArtikel Article2005
20Stoll, Thomas Diophantine equations for orthogonal polynomialsPräsentation Presentation2004