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Thuswaldner, J.M.

Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Loridant, Benoit ; Messaoudi, A. ; Surer, Paul ; Thuswaldner, J.M. Tilings induced by a class of cubic Rauzy fractalsArtikel Article 22-Dec-2013
2Dorfer, Gerhard ; Thuswaldner, J.M. ; Winkler, Reinhard Fundamental groups of one-dimensional spacesArtikel Article2013
3Dorfer, Gerhard ; Akiyama, Shigeki ; Thuswaldner, J.M. ; Winkler, Reinhard On the fundamental group of one-dimensional spacesPräsentation Presentation2009
4Akiyama, S. ; Dorfer, G. ; Thuswaldner, J.M. ; Winkler, R. On the fundamental group of the Sierpinski-gasketArtikel Article2009
5Gmainer, Johannes ; Thuswaldner, J.M. On disk-like self-affine tiles arising from polyominoes,Artikel Article2006