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Hiebl, K.

Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Paschen, Silke ; Budnyk, S. ; Köhler, U. ; Prots, Yu. ; Hiebl, K. ; Steglich, Frank ; Grin, YU. New type-I clathrates with ordered Eu distributionArtikel Article2006
2Lackner, Robert ; Sieberer, M. ; Bauer, Ernst ; Hilscher, Gerfried ; Michor, Herwig ; Sologub, O.L. ; Hiebl, K. LOW TEMPERATURE PROPERTIES OF TERNARY CePt₃B and CePt₂BPräsentation Presentation2004