Full name Familienname, Vorname
Weigand, Marcus
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Withnell, T. ; Weber, Harald W. ; Weigand, M. ; Durrell, J.H. ; Speller, S.C. ; Hughes, G.M. ; Grovenor, C.R.M. Effects of neutron irradiation on an isolated grain boundary in MOD coated conductorsPräsentation Presentation2010
2Weigand, M. ; Eisterer, M. ; Giannini, E. ; Weber, H. W. Mixed state properties of Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ single crystals before and after neutron irradiationArtikel Article 2010
3Zehetmayer, Martin ; Eisterer, Michael ; Müller, R. ; Weigand, M. ; Jun, J. ; Kazakov, S. M. ; Karpinski, J. ; Weber, Harald W. Flux Pinning in Neutron Irradiated MgB₂ Single CrystalsArtikel Article2006
4Zehetmayer, Martin ; Eisterer, Michael ; Müller, R. ; Weigand, M. ; Weber, Harald W. ; Jun, J. ; Kazakov, S. M. ; Karpinski, J. Flux pinning in neutron irradiated MgB₂ single crystalsPräsentation Presentation2005
5Weigand, M. ; Eisterer, Michael ; Weber, Harald W. ; Giannini, E. Mixed state properties of Bi-2223 single crystalsPräsentation Presentation2005
6Weigand, Marcus Untersuchung des Mischzustandes von Wismut-Strontium-Kalzium-Kupfer-Oxid-(Bi-2223)-EinkristallenThesis Hochschulschrift2005