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Dubiel, S.

Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Dubiel, S. ; Cieslak, J. ; Reissner, Michael ; Wernisch, Johann ; Steiner, Walter Influence if Composition and Annealing Conditions on the Site-occupation in the sigma Phase of Fe-Cr and Fe-V SystemsPräsentation Presentation2007
2Cieslak, J. ; Reissner, Michael ; Steiner, Walter ; Dubiel, S. Magnetic and neutron investigation of the sigma phase of FeCrPräsentation Presentation2005
3Reissner, Michael ; Cieslak, J. ; Steiner, Walter ; Dubiel, S. P-FKPx: Low temperature magnetic behaviour of sigma FeCrPräsentation Presentation2005
4Cieslak, J. ; Reissner, Michael ; Dubiel, S. ; Steiner, Walter ; Costa, B.F.O. Properties of the Sigma-Phase in the Fe-Cr SystemPräsentation Presentation2005
5Cieslak, J. ; Reissner, Michael ; Dubiel, S. ; Steiner, Walter Influence of Magnetic Field on the Spectra of the Sigma-Phase in the Fe53.8Cr46.2 AlloyPräsentation Presentation2005