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Seemann, R.

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Hujer, W. ; Berger, A. ; Seemann, R. ; Gier, S. ; Koller, F. ; Steinhauser, Georg ; Symeonidis, N.k. Dwarf elefant bearing deposits from Charcadio cave, Tilos, Dodecanese, GreecePräsentation Presentation2008
2Steinhauser, G. ; Hujer, W. ; Sterba, J. H. ; Seemann, R. ; Bichler, M. ; Symeonidis, N. On strontium and barium anomalies in the sediments of Charkadio Cave (Tilos Islang, Dodekanese, Greece)Artikel Article2008
3Steinhauser, Georg ; Sterba, Johannes H. ; Bichler, Max ; Seemann, R. On barium anomalies in context with volcanic activity in the AegeanPräsentation Presentation2006