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Fratzl, P.

Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

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1Roschger, Paul ; Pemmer, B. ; Fratzl, P. ; Klaushofer, K. Strontium-ranelate treatment leads to uptake of strontium in bonePräsentation Presentation2011
2Paschalis, E.P. ; Tatakis, D.N. ; Robins, S. ; Fratzl, P. ; Manjubala, I. ; Zoehrer, R. ; Gamsjaeger, S. ; Buchinger, B. ; Roschger, A. ; Phipps, R. ; Boskey, A.L. ; Dall'Ara, E. ; Varga, P. ; Zysset, P. ; Klaushofer, K. ; Roschger, P. Lathyrism-Induced Alterations in Collagen Cross-Links Influence the Mechanical Properties of Bone Material without Affecting the MineralArtikel Article 2011
3Zöger, N. ; Hofstätter, J. ; Roschger, Paul ; Jokubonis, C. ; Pepponi, Giancarlo ; Falkenberg, G. ; Fratzl, P. Differential accumulation of lead and zinc in the tidemark of normal and osteoarthritic human articular cartilage and subchondral bonePräsentation Presentation2007