Full name Familienname, Vorname
Etz, Corina
Main Affiliation Organisations­zuordnung

Results 1-14 of 14 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Etz, C. ; Vernes, A. ; Weinberger, P. Magneto-optical properties of Co/Ir superstructures on Ir(111)Artikel Article2011
2Moulas, G. ; Lehnert, A. ; Rusponi, S. ; Zabloudil, J. ; Etz, Corina ; Ouazi, S. ; Etzkorn, M. ; Bencok, P. ; Gambardella, P. ; Weinberger, Peter ; Brune, Harald High magnetic moments and anisotropies for FeₓCo₁₋ₓ monolayers on Pt(111)Artikel Article2008
3Etz, Corina Magnetic Properties of NanostructuresPräsentation Presentation2008
4Etz, Corina Ab-initio magneto-optical properties of bcc Ni/Ni(100)Präsentation Presentation2008
5Etz, Corina Magnetic and magneto-optical properties of nanostructuresPräsentation Presentation2008
6Etz, Corina Ab-initio magneto-optical properties of bcc Ni/Ni(100)Präsentation Presentation2008
7Etz, Corina ; Vernes, András ; Weinberger, Peter ROTMOKE: An assessment of macroscopic models for bcc Ni/Ni(100)Artikel Article2008
8Etz, Corina ; Vernes, András ; Szunyogh, Laszlo ; Weinberger, Peter Ab initio magneto-optical properties of bcc Ni/Ni(100)Artikel Article2008
9Etz, Corina ; Zabloudil, J. ; Weinberger, Peter ; Vedmedenko, E.Y. Magnetic properties of single atoms of Fe and Co on Ir(111) and Pt(111)Artikel Article2008
10Etz, Corina First principles magnetic properties of nanostructuresPräsentation Presentation2007
11Etz, Corina Surface supported nanostructuresPräsentation Presentation2007
12Zabloudil, J. ; Etz, Corina ; Lazarovits, Bence ; Újfalussy, B. ; Szunyogh, Laszlo ; Weinberger, Peter Ab-initio determination of magnetic properties of Fe-Co nanoclusters on Cu(100)Präsentation Presentation2007
13Etz, Corina ; Lazarovits, Bence ; Zabloudil, J. ; Hammerling, Robert ; Újfalussy, B. ; Szunyogh, Laszlo ; Stocks, G.M. ; Weinberger, Peter Magnetic properties of FeCo nanoclusters on Cu(100): Ab initio calculationsArtikel Article 2007
14Stoeffler, Daniel ; Etz, Corina Ab initio electronic structure and magnetism in Sr₂XMoO₆ (X = Fe or Co) double perovskite systems: a GGA and GGA + U comparative studyArtikel Article2006