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Izrailev, Félix

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PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Doppler, Jörg ; Dietz, Otto ; Méndez-Bermúdez, José Antonio ; Feist, Johannes ; Libisch, Florian ; Krimer, Dmitry ; Makarov, Nikolay ; Izrailev, Félix ; Stöckmann, H.-J. ; Kuhl, U. ; Rotter, Stefan Quantitative description of coherent transport through surface- disordered wiresPräsentation Presentation2013
2Rotter, Stefan ; Doppler, Jörg ; Izrailev, Félix ; Méndez-Bermúdez, José Antonio ; Makarov, Nikolay ; Kuhl, U. ; Stöckmann, H.-J. ; Dietz, Otto Quantitative Description of Coherent Transport through Surface-disordered WiresPräsentation Presentation2013
3Doppler, Jörg ; Izrailev, Félix ; Méndez-Bermúdez, José Antonio ; Feist, Johannes ; Rotter, Stefan Reflection resonances in waveguides with rough surface profiles: Identifying signatures of a new scattering mechanismPräsentation Presentation2012